good evening fellas! have u eaten ur dinner? i just sort of done that and i'm a bit too full actually, 'cause i ate a cup of strawberry sundae and drank a bottle of cimori blueberry-flavored yogurt before i had my dinner. well, no wonder. i know i should have had them after my dinner but i just couldn't seem to hold mysel back haha. screw that.
so, here is something catchy for now. guys, tomorrow is the day when batik will be officially claimed as one of Indonesia's culture, which means it will soon legally be ours! are u thrilled to hear that? well, we should be feeling so, of course! batik has been our culture since quite a long time ago, and oh, do u still remember about the scandal between Indonesia n Malaysia? it happened when Malaysia tried to claim batik as their culture. u know what, as soon as i heard that news, i was like, for God's sake, what the hell r they thinking about? r they insane or what? please, even the old and disabled or whatever grandma will obviously know that batik is undoubtedly, Indonesia's culture! there is no way, it belongs to Malaysia. what is with that thing? it didn't even touch a bit of my logical nerve, not at all. absolutely ridiculous.
apparently, that scandal has caused quite a big attention for everyone! it seemed like Malaysia was deliberately trying to infuriate Indonesian people! they are no more but just a piece of crap. not to be offensive, but i've got to say so, 'cause realistically i do feel infuriatingly furious about that.
but the good news is, hopefully, we managed to keep batik as ours :)
and tomorrow, we will celebrate it. yeah. so, in order to give some kind of appreciation about this day, it is recommended that every human being who consider themselves as indonesian people, wear batik clothes for tomorrow.
so does my school, we were informed to wear batik for tomorrow, actually we can choose between using the free batik clothes, or in case we don't have any, we can always use the batik-motived school uniform. one of our uniform is batik-motived, it's great, isn't it? hehe.
to be honest with u, i don't have any batik clothes, well besides my uniform. and i know that is extremely pathetic, but i just sort of don't find any interest in it. it's beautiful, i've gotta say so, and i do really appreciate the hand-made one. in my opinion, that's just exquisite! but, i'm sorry, not to be ruthless, it's a bit tacky and behind the times. forgive me, i know i'm not that nationalist, but i just don't feel that is my style.
well, but for tomorrow, i guess it wouldn't hurt just to buy one. i mean, after all, i'm indonesian, and it's even more tacky that indonesians don't have batik, even one, isn't it? so ya, i bought! haha. i just bought it this evening at wtc. and just in case u wanna know something cool, it was hell crowded in every single batik store!!! IT WAS FULL, WITH HUMANS, JUST KINDA FLOODED IN THERE, NOT EVEN A SPACE FOR LITTLE TINY ANTS TO WALK THERE! but i strived to buy, it was really a struggle! and all of this is for my country, indonesia, i'm showing my appreciation here, friends! am i cool? just don't consider it as a chauvinism.
so, the one that i bought is kinda nice, i can't tell u how it looks like n i believe there is no way of describing how a batik looks like, linguistically, cause they're kind of abstract and something like that, so let's just say it was full with motive here and there, and it is great, and u can see it visually in the end of this post. i'll post the picture of it here. but just the clothes, my body isn't included, since i haven't even officially put it on on my body, just sort of gave it a try to see how it matches my body, so it is still fresh from the oven! hihi.
my batik shirt
okay, i guess that's just it. don't forget to share ur story about what is ur friends' reaction seeing u wearing batik tomorrow, or anything will do. see ya!