Sabtu, Juli 17, 2010

soo random

random day, random activities, random post, random stories, random order! just read it as u like.

first of all, i've finally made up my mind to register myself into bimbel at EXIST. well, lots of things to think about b4 i decided my choice. on top of all, money is the main problem. honestly, i don't want to burden my dad, so EXIST which offers really cheap price (IDR 2.750.000,00 for one year) is definitely sth that caught my attention ahead of the others. however, i'm actually a lil bit doubting the quality. not to mention, EXIST had just been built this year, by all means, this is one of the reasons why the fee is sooo cheap.

well, last month, my students in my school were actually offered to try the free trial class in EXIST. i didn't take it though, cuz i didn't think it's not that necessarily important at that time. apparently, some of my friends who had taken the free trial class gave quite a good feedback about it. well, they didn't say that it's superb either. but i personally think, cheap price always comes with good, not with excellent. furthermore, not to brag, but i'm not that dumb ass who needs special attention, therefore my perception of taking this class is simply to kill my spare time in a more effective way rather than just being online n doing nothing, don't u think?

soo yap, in a couple of hours i'll be heading there n register myself! hope this will turn out great :) i mean, i really wanna finish this senior year with hopefully best grades that i could possibly achieve. well, who in the world wants to waste these whole years of hard-work with a terrible fail at the end of the day? no one does.

anyhow, today is saturday n quite pathetically, i've got no plan at all.

another random story : new template here! whatdya think? classy, ain't it? hehehe.

------- running out of idea, really.i guess this is as far as i can write for now.



Jumat, Juli 16, 2010

anak gahul kelas 12

ahoy folks! i just got up from a relaxing sleep n then i found myself sitting aimlessly for nothing to do, which i was quite sure if someone did indeed take a shoot of me for some seconds while doing that, i'd be on the cover of the newest, most horrifying horror movie, then out of nowhere sth crossed my mind, which was like, "hey, why not just blog it!" and so here i am ready to blog.

i have like thousands of stories to be put up here guys, but apparently, in this globalized world, time is extremely limited, can't possibly waste our time just to blog, so i'm thinking of just posting some of the most important events in my life. oh wait, am i using the wrong word right now? important? haha like i do lots of important things, which is not, cuz i don't. okay, substitute important with fantastic (?) hopefully that'll do. i mean, most of posts in my blog r all about the events that make me feel ecstatic, ain't them?

now, i just wanna brag to u that i am now officially a twelfth grader! (oh cool!)

okay, stop frowning, i know that ain't cool at all. hahaha. well, the point is, i just feel like, yesterday i was just a tenth grader, n now without noticing anything, i've been called as "kak Nando" by my juniors. ahahhahaha.

anyway, kemaren gue utk ke-2x nya nge-MOS-in adek2 kelas lho. pertama2, gue minta maap yak ama junior2 kalo gue galak n nyolot kayak babi nonggeng pas PBB... aslinya gue baik kog, lebih baik daripada anak yg sering membantu nenek menyeberang jalan, lebih baik juga daripada artis di film2 yg memegang erat tangan temannya saat temannya tergelincir dari tebing, pdhl dy sendiri kagak kuat narik temennya itu. wkwkwkwk. tujuan gue kan baik bro n sist! biar kalian masuk sma jadi tegar seperti lagu rossa, kuat, tangguh, dan kebal terhadap segala ancaman hidup yg melanda kalian, krn percayalah pada gue, pelajaran di SMA sampah2 abis susahnya kyk belatung. dan di SMA kan jg kan masa2nya berkonflik sama temen2, berantem sama guru, dll. awkawkawkak. bcanda deng.. kagak yg jelek2 kyk gt jg. ya pokoknya intinya biar kalian siap menghadapi perubahan atmosfer dari SMP ke SMA. FYI: gara2 ngelatih PBB kalian, ga cuma kalian yg panas2an, gue jg ikutan nih, jd iteman deh kulit gue! kurang baik apa nih gua! ayolah bilang terimakasih sambil menyogok gue dengan segelas blended green tea..

sekarang kembali ke diri gue sendiri. sekarang gue uda kelas 12. bentar lagi kuliah lho! akhirnya gue bisa jg keluar dari sekolah, keluar dari peraturan rambut pendek yg sangat menyiksa, keluar dari peraturan lain yg amit2, tapi sedih jg sih. aneh ya gue baru kelas 12 aja uda sedih, nanti pas uda lulus bisa2 menangis sampai terjadi air bah kali. hahahha. oiya, sekarang gue telah menetapkan klo gue mau masuk jurusan teknik industri di UI (amin klo keterima ya bundo). ini semoga merupakan pilihan terakhir setelah gue, kalo kata kalis, melanglang buana, di setiap jurusan. krn sampe skrg, kyknya gue udah pindah2 sekitar 10 jurusan gitu hahaha.

sekarang, gue mau bimbel nih (utk prtama kalinya dlm hidup gue, akhirnya gue bimbel juga). tapi gue pusing mau bimbel mana!!! mau yg bagus tp mau yg murah juga. duh pusing deh. tapi kyknya gue bimbel di exist aja. hahh pusing lah.


Selasa, Juli 13, 2010


what a short title that is! hahaha. well guilty ppl don't talk much, do they? i can defend myself all i wish but believe me, i've been a sinner towards my blog. now, for the hundredth times, i left my blog again (hey btw, is thr any word to substitute "again"? sorry, my vocabularies r pieces of crap, tell me if u hv one, cuz i've been using "again" in every single time i'm announcing that i left my blog AGAIN.

so what's up? (in a matter of seconds changing topic from a sinner to a complete saint angel). hahaha. okay, now i do really mean it, what's up guys? i'm alluding to: what's up in these whole months since the day i half-heartedly decided that i'd not post any new post in my blog again? don't answer anyway. i know even a gigantic truck would not suffice to keep those "what's ups".

first of all, credit goes to @Rukiees! thx richard, for asking me whether i do blogging or not and asking me to follow ur blog, then i started to kinda miss my blog, and in the end i decided to keep on blogging! (pls pray that this is not the last post for several months later, AGAIN.)

anyway guys, it's too late already, my fancy notebook's clock shows 11.31 p.m. n i'm not gonna bother my sleep time by blogging. so, just informing that i'll hopefully, with all my heart ,keep on blogging n tht's it!

TTFN! (ayo, siapa yg tau kepanjangannya TTFN? wkwkwwkwk)


Kamis, Desember 24, 2009


u see that picture up there? read the word inside the white box. SMILE! how often do u all smile folks? u know something, sometimes it did cross my mind, the thought of why some people just won't relax their mouth muscle even just a bit, i mean literally, SMILE. i do find some people around me who have these tight lips, which never even once have i seen them smiling, or maybe yes they did it, but occasionally, or maybe hardly. isn't it strange? smiling is totally free! and u know something even more magical is that, when u smile, it attracts the people around u to smile too! won't it be perfect if we can see those smiles just simply put onto everyone's face around us, everyday? yes indeed.


Rabu, Desember 23, 2009

cutest thing ever

hi all. lagi lebay nih gara2 uda lama ga posting, skrg sehari posting 2 posts deh. hahaha. for this post, i wanna give a chance for my super dog, named JOYCE, to be as exist as her owner, by appearing in this blog. ahuauhahua. i've been owning this dog for like, 2 years or so, but never have i posted anything related to her in this blog hahahha. so i think it's just the perfect time now, since i really don't have things to do, why don't i do her a little bit of favor? hheheh.

a bit of introduction about her. joyce is a mini dachsund. she is so tiny, cute with dark brown hair. my family has been raising dachsund dogs since i was a kid, probably since i was 2 years old, and until now, we are still raising dachsund! hehe. it can be said that joyce is the cleverest and also the tiniest dachsund dog we've ever raised. she can do so many things, she can bring back a small doll that i throw at particular distance (not too far), she can put her head into her cloth when i strecth that cloth, to give a hole where she can put her head in, and the most important thing is that, she is soooo loyal to us, especially to my mother though. however, she is too spoiled, she just can't be outside of house at night, she would cry out loud when we leave her outside, she would cry when we came back from somewhere, n she loves to be hugged. hihi.

here are some pictures of her and me! fyi: it wasn't a lot of struggle to take pictures with her, coz unlike other dogs, joyce is so calm and quiet. hehe.

doesn't she look adorable? well i know, not as adorable as me, but she still, ADORABLE!!


i've forcefully changed my template :(

ladies n gentleman, as u all can clearly see, i've changed my blog template. i did not intend to do so, at all. but there is just this weird problem which just happened to occur to me. every time i read my blog with my previous template, which was a totally simple black, dark template with white-colored fonts, i started to get this blur vision with some black quite thick lines horizontally hanging there.

at first i was quite frightened actually, i thought that i simply spent too much time playing computer that i got this strange vision. i've tried to wink my eyes several times, but it did take some minutes for this vision to disappear out of my sight. after several times of reading blog with that template, i found that this vision kept on occurring to me, as soon as it could be, after giving even just a glimpse at my blog (not even 10 seconds). this is when i came to realize that this template was probably the reason why i got that vision, as i'm completely okay whenever i read my friends' blog, which happens to be none of their templates are the same as mine. so, now, FORCEFULLY, i've gotta change my template into this blue one. truthfully, i like the old one better than this one. it was so simple yet giving something sort of mysterious element into my blog. but u know, i don't wanna get that freakish vision ever again, it's just as annoying as u can imagine, so i'd better go on with this template. well, it's not that bad after all, ain't it?

eh btw kog ini pake bhs indonesia yak templatenya??? "lihat profile lengkapku" "2 komentar". duh, so uncool >.< gmn cara ngubahnya deh??


Selasa, Desember 22, 2009


again n again n again n again, do it again, do it again. just like this song entitled "again & again" by The Bird and The Bee, again, i neglected my blogs! hooray. around of applause for this stupidity. three months indeed have i left this blog completely alone, empty, without my love and care (oh so sweet) and i bet it misses me just as much as i miss my mother on this day coz u know what ,today is mother's day! happy mother's day! always remember that our mothers' love is this big (can u see how big is that? imagine planet earth. it's even bigger than that! hahha. exaggeration mode : SUPER ON)

as a matter of fact, i missed putting thousands or even millions of special, ecstatic, memorable memories that i had these past three months, which i could possibly remember till the end of my life, in this blog. what a shame. so lemme just tell u a bit of what happened in my life for these past three months, in a nutshell.

what comes first in my mind is one of vooduu's member celebration, ARIANA CHRISTABEL SANTANA. yeay n it is her sweet seventeenth birthday party! happy b'day tataa. this is so late actually, her birthday was on 10th of december, so it's been like 12 days until now. quite impressive isn't it (my laziness) hahaha. i don't want to tell the whole stories about her birthday celebration cause it would definitely breaks my fingers down. so, it was just like, we (vooduu) and apparently, tata's boyfriend also participated in our surprising event which is outrageously surprising indeed, coz we came to her house, right at 12 a.m. sharp to gave her a surprise! it was so, u know, COOL. i bet she didn't expect even a bit of it. hahhaa. afther the surpising thing, we stayed a night at her house, which was great coz as everyone knows when we gather, there is no way those mouths would stop talking, gossiping, telling stories, teasing each other or whatever. and these are one of those successful trick of making a huge panda line around ur eyes, because as we talked more n more, we felt more alive and apparently we got only 1,5-hour of sleep there. the cause is: UNCONTROLLABLE, UNSTOPPABLE MOUTH.

i'm gonna put some pics later, later when i feel of doing it (perhaps another three months later ahahha)

well another good event, my report turned out to be quite a good one. i got the 1st rank. yei, thx Lord, as usual. but something's kinda made me feel a bit not, u know, not that satisfied, since i found that some of my scores were sort of goin down a bit, but i think it ain't big deal. heheh.

